working to establish khilafah

Bangladesh must not look to Western Imperialist Nations for her Success and Prosperity and not fall Victim to the Indo-US Geopolitics

Press Release

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

Bangladesh must not look to Western Imperialist Nations for her Success and Prosperity and not fall Victim to the Indo-US Geopolitics

Bangladesh’s interim government’s chief advisor Dr. Muhammad Yunus called on global leaders to support building new Bangladesh while speaking at a reception on the sidelines of the 79th UN General Assembly in New York on Tuesday. Immediately after the speech, US president Joe Biden also said if the students of Bangladesh could sacrifice so much for their country, U.S. too should do more. Earlier, Dr. Yunus sought the assistance when a high-powered U.S. delegation led by Assistant Secretary for International Finance at the U.S. Department of the Treasury Brent Neiman held a meeting with him in Dhaka. The U.S. delegation has also expressed strong commitment to work with the interim government, and already the two countries signed an agreement under which the US would provide $202 million of aid to Bangladesh as development support.

Hizbut Tahrir / Wilayah Bangladesh urges the interim government to heed upon the following advises:

First: Why does so-called support from the Western imperialist countries needs to be sought persistently in rebuilding Bangladesh! Previously, tyrant Hasina would also seek such support from US and other western nations. Just as U.S. is supporting the interim-government right now, it also used to extend similar support to the tyrant Hasina (“Biden writes to PM Hasina, expresses commitment to supporting Bangladesh economic goals”, Dhaka Tribune, 04 Feb 2024). These Machiavellian western powers are the ones that let Hasina to be a terrible tyrant for their own geopolitical interests. Thus, Hasina’s overthrown by the mass people was actually a challenge to the western world order and hegemony.  People’s sacrifice, their will and aspiration were not to hand over the land from India’s grip to the Western imperialists. So, we advise the interim government to come out of this illusion that the ruling authority and legitimacy should come from the imperialists. Your authority is derived from the common people and your actions must reflect their will and aspiration. So, you must proceed cautiously with the colonialist U.S. to stop becoming a pawn of the Indo-US geopolitical game. We remind you that U.S. has already deepened its defense and security relationship with India significantly as part of its Indo-Pacific Strategy (IPS).  Such strategic partnership between U.S. and our neighboring enemy has far-reaching consequences for Bangladesh.

Second: what the country needs most at this critical juncture is a strong national unity more than foreign support. Other than India’s conspiracies, Hasina regime’s enablers, who have been firmly implanted all across the state apparatus in the last 15 years, are also waiting for the right time to strike back. Thus, the interim government’s utmost priority should be to bring all the anti-imperialist, pro-country and pro-Islamic forces together to confront our enemies and their local agents. And be advised that this unification process should start by immediately lifting the unlawful banning on Hizb ut Tahrir, which is one of the key anti-imperialist, pro-country and pro-Islamic forces in Bangladesh. Thus, the notion of unity at this crucial junction is inconceivable by keeping Hizb ut Tahrir outside of the process. The counmtry’s sovereignty cannot be protected by keeping Hasina’s discrimination and tyranny intact.

We call upon the interim government to heed our sincere advises as Allah Azza Wa Jal is the witness that we do not want for you and our people anything but the good. So, proceed with cautiousness with the western imperialists. Any weak steps from you will make us vulnerable to harm in the games of our enemies.

﴿وَالْمُؤْمِنُونَ وَالْمُؤْمِنَاتُ بَعْضُهُمْ أَوْلِيَاءُ بَعْضٍ يَأْمُرُونَ بِالْمَعْرُوفِ وَيَنْهَوْنَ عَنْ الْمُنكَرِ

 “The believing men and believing women are allies of one another. They enjoin what is right and forbid what is wrong” [At-Tawba: 71].

Media Office of Hizb ut Tahrir / Wilayah Bangladesh