Message from Hizb ut Tahrir to the People in General, Especially to the Sincere Politicians,…
بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
Message from Hizb ut Tahrir to the People in General, Especially to the Sincere Politicians, Intellectuals and Influential People
Do not waste your Time and Effort on Issue-Based Movements, Rather unite on the…
Blood of a Muslim is more Sacred than the Ka’bah, Only the Khilafah (Caliphate) will avenge this…
Bismillah ar-Rahman ar-Rahim
Blood of a Muslim is more
Sacred than the Ka’bah
Only the Khilafah (Caliphate) will avenge this Blood
Abdullah ibn Umar (ra) narrated that he saw the Messenger of Allah (saw) making tawaf of…
Centenary of the Destruction of the Khilafah (Rajab 1342 – Rajab 1442 Hijri) RasulAllah (saw) said:…
Centenary of the Destruction of the Khilafah (Rajab 1342 – Rajab 1442 Hijri)
RasulAllah (saw) said: “...then there will be Khilafah on the Method of Prophethood”
Hizb ut Tahrir calls upon the Muslim Ummah!
Join the Work to establish the…
Taqleed (Imitation)
بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
Taqleed (Imitation)
Translated from Arabic
Al-Waie Magazine, Issue 382, July 2018
Ustadh Hamza Hirzullah
All praise is for Allah, the Creator of humanity, the Lord of the earth and heaven, who created Adam (as),…